Cost of IUI Treatment in the best IVF hospital in Patna
Best IVF hospital in Patna

The most generally used specialized treatment for gravidity is Intra Uterine Copulation( IUI). By deciding on IUI in time, you can avoid major treatment. However, also first line treatment IUI proves to be a better  result, If couples are  unfit to conceive naturally indeed after times of trying. Through this blog composition, we will give you complete information about the IUI process, benefits, cost, success rate of the best IVF hospital of Patna and in which situations IUI proves to be helpful, along with the data and treatments related to it, which will prove helpful in showing you the right path. Intrauterine copulation” IUI is a fertility treatment that gives the sperm a better chance of fertilizing the egg. This treatment can ameliorate the chances of  gestation for some couples and families. 

During intercourse, only a hundred sperm are  suitable to reach the egg in ideal conditions. But in IUI treatment, Our best IUI and IVF specialist of Patna place millions of healthy sperms directly inside the woman’s uterus, veritably  near to the egg. 

IUI benefits those couples and women who want to have a child.

  • What’s IUI? 

IUI means Intra Uterine Insemination. Intra means inside the uterus and copulation means transfer of semen. 

The hubby’s semen is washed and prepared for transfer. The process of taking live, healthy and well moving sperms from these in a catheter and  fitting  them in the  woman’s uterus around her ovulation period is called IUI. 

  •  IUI Procedure- Step by Step 

Ovarian Stimulation: Ovarian stimulation is done through fertility  drug. While 1 follicle develops in the natural cycle, in IUI, 2 or 3 follicles are increased with the help of fertility  drug. This increases the chances of  gestation. 

Ovulation Monitoring: Follicle study is done  constantly during the uterine period, 6 days after  period. In this, the growth and  detonation of the sperms is observed. This determines the correct time for sperm transfer. 

Sperm Collection: The semen sample is collected naturally. In the case of azoospermia or zero sperm, sperms are collected with the help of sperm  reclamation  ways like microsurgical epididymal sperm aspiration, testicular sperm aspiration, percutaneous epididymal sperm aspiration and micro TC. 

Sperm Washing: After collecting the sperms, they’re washed in the lab. In this process, some nutrients are given. Good quality and gormandize moving sperms are separated from the semen. 

Sperm attention named sperms are collected in the right  volume i.e. 0.3 or 0.4 ml. 

Sperm transfer named sperms are transferred to the woman’s uterus on the day of ovulation and are left for natural fertilization and implantation. In the transfer process, sperm is  sluggishly  fitted  by  fitting  a thin catheter into the cervix and is released near the fallopian tube. 

  • When to do IUI? 

Couples who have sexual dysfunction. 

Construction problems,  interjection problems, unexplained gravidity If ovulation is  passing on time, the sperm count is correct, the tubes are good and it has not been too long since I tried,  also  gestation can be through IUI. 

  •  In case of mild PCOS/ endometriosis 
  •  In case of mild  manly gravidity 
  •  In case of zero sperm count where the couple is going to take the help of  patron egg. 
  •  HIV status 
  •  Having a serious sperm problem and not  suitable to go IVF 
  •  Having the RH factor 
  •  Age  lower than 35 and gravidity period  lower than 5 times 
  •  At least 1 fallopian tube is open 
  •  AMH  position and ovarian reserve are good 
  •  Cervical-affiliated gravidity 
  •  IUI success rate 

The success rate depends on your physical condition, age, fertility status. However, has not spent  important time trying, i, If the woman is  lower than 35 times old. e. gravidity period is  lower than 5 times, both tubes or one tube is open, ovarian reserve is good, AMH  position is good, follicles are growing or bursting due to fertility  drug, and the man’s semen report is normal or close to normal,  also there’s a high chance of getting a positive result in IUI. 

  •  Age up to 35 – 20 
  •  Age from 35 to 40 – 10 
  •  Age above 38 – 2- 5 

Piecemeal from this, the centre in which the treatment is being done, the state- of- the- art technology in the centre, endured croakers affect the success. Sperm collection, sperm washing should be available in the clinic. 

  • Advantages of IUI

It’s a simple,  effortless process. 

It’s less  precious. 

Why get IUI treatment done at Hope Plus IVF Hospital? 

Still, also Hope Plus IVF Hospital can be the stylish choice for you, If you’re also going through the problem of gravidity and are looking for the stylish IUI treatment. Then you’ll get 

  •  Endured fertility specialists giving you  individualized treatment plans 
  •  Advanced medical  installations and equipped with the  rearmost technology 
  •  Affordable and transparent pricing that suits your  fund 
  •  Case- centric approach that will take complete care of your emotional and medical  requirements 
  • Conclusion

IUI treatment is an easy and effective fertility technique that can become a new hope for couples who are facing struggles in their journey to parenthood.

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